Thursday, August 18, 2011

A New Header!

Hello, film fanatics!  I just wanted to update you all on some of the goings on of Cinema Sweetheart as of late.  Namely, I've added a new header.  I'm not going to be changing the headers every month anymore (or at least not for a while) because with school starting up again, I know I'm not going to have as much time to devote to the blog, and I'd rather use the time I had to write reviews, rather than play around with pictures.

I think that this new header is going to be pretty fun, though.  All the characters depicted here were personally made by me using an online avatar maker.  They're all movie characters (as I'm sure you guessed), but can you guys tell me who's who?

You can either email me your answers at if you want, or easier yet, you can just leave your answers in the comments.  In about a week, I'm going to post a little poll to see which character was everyone's favorite, so if you want to have a chance to guess before the answers are given, then please make sure to submit your thoughts before the week is out.  When submitting your answers, how about guessing in a clockwise pattern, so that the lady with the big hair and bandages is #1, and the skull-faced man with the music notes is #6?

Best of luck, and I look forward to hearing your guesses :)

1 comment:

  1. 1. the bride of Frankenstein
    2. Mrs. Lovett from sweeny todd
    3. jesus from godspell
    4. ramona flowers from scott pilgrim vs. the world
    5.charlie chaplin's little tramp
    6. phantom of the opera


Hello, fellow movie buff! Thanks for stopping by :) I personally read every comment, and respond to most, so don't be shy about sharing your thoughts ;) Your feedback matters!

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